Lewis Seely

Seely Lewis died at his home in Jefferson May 22, 1891, aged 60 years 11 months and 14 days. Funeral was held at the house on May 24. Burial, Osborn Cemetery. He leaves a widow, 2 daughters, one son, 3 brothers, 3 sisters.

Published in the Noble County Democrat on June 3, 1891

He was born in Goshen, Ind. June 8, 1830, a son of Judge Ephraim Seely and his wife Harriet, who were among the earliest settlers of northern Indiana. In 1832 or 1833 the father and mother removed from Goshen to English Prairie in LaGrange County where they remained several years when they settled on a farm south of Bushy Prairie and from there to Noble County where the parents died. Lewis married Fidelia Collins, who with 3 children are left.

Published in the Noble County Democrat July 8,1891

[Son of SGS # 3453 -Lewis; Ephraim H. (#3453); David (# 1557); David; Charles; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]