Oconee Farmer Fatally Injured
Shelbyville, Oct. 30 – Roscoe W. Seely, 56-year-old Oconee farmer, died about 10 a.m. today enroute to Huber Memorial hospital, Pana, of injuries received when his tractor and wagon were struck by a semi-trailer truck on route 51, one-half mile south of Oconee.
The relief driver of the truck, C.W. Wilder, 30, of Dallas, Texas, received a fractured skull when both the truck and the farm tractor overturned. He is in the hospital at Pana in a very serious condition.
His companion driving the truck, Rocky Lee, 21, also of Dallas, was being treated for facial lacerations and injuries to his left shoulder and side in the hospital.
Seely was enroute to Pana with a wagon load of soybeans. The truck driver hit the wagon in attempting to pass the tractor. The Oconee farmer was fatally injured about the head and chest.
Scene of the accident was in Shelby county, but Seely died in Christian county so the inquest will be held there by Coroner Earl J. Baker. No date was set.
Surviving Seely are his wife Cora Mae, two daughters, Mrs. Vincent Raetz, Shelbyville, and Mrs. Ben Puckett, Oconee, a son, Wilson, Paris, two sisters, Mrs. Tom Ball, Dawson, and Mrs. Ernest Ball, Springfield, and a brother, Ralph, Maroa.
The body is in the Strumpf funeral home, Pana, where services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in Tower Hill cemetery.
The Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) Tuesday October 31, 1950