Prominent Farmer of Near Lakewood Passes Away in Doctor’s Office
PANA, April 23. – Thomas Marion Seely, age 55 years, died suddenly in the office of Dr. J.M. Little, Saturday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock of a heart stroke.
Mr. Seely is a well known farmer of near Lakewood, seven miles south of Tower Hill. In company with his wife, Mr. Seely was in Pana, Saturday afternoon. About 2 o’clock he was preparing to enter his buggy and with his wife drive home, when he was stricken by heart trouble. He was immediately removed to the office of Dr. Little.
The body was removed to the Fairbanks funeral parlors and prepared for burial and on Monday morning was taken to the family home, one and one-half miles west of Lakewood. Mr. Seely had followed farming practically all of his life and had resided near Lakewood more than 50 years. He was born in Missouri December 5, 1868, the son of John Seely and Mrs. Sarah A. Johnson Seely.
He leaves his widow and five children, all residing near Lakewood. The children are Joseph, Ross, Ralph, Augusta and Dorothy Seely.
The funeral will be held in the family home near Lakewood at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon and the burial will be made in the Elier cemetery near Tower Hill. The services will be conducted by Dr. A.M. Sinclair of Pana.
Published in The Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) Tuesday, April 24, 1923