Mrs. Ada Seely Is Called by Death
Mt. Pleasant, Mary 2. – Mrs. Ada Lee Seely, wife of Stewart W. Seely, died Friday at the family residence after a long illness from kidney trouble.
Mrs. Seely was born in Mt. Pleasant, February 18, 1884, of pioneer parents, the late Brigham and Marla Jessen Lee. She was married August 15, 1902. to Stewart W. Seely, who, with one son, Lee, survives her. She is also survived by the following brothers and sisters: Vera and Oscar Lee of Salt Lake, Mrs. Arthur Childs of Mt. Pleasant and Mrs. Frank Anderson of Eureka.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Monday May 3, 1926 page 9

Mrs. Stewart W. Seely Buried at Mt. Pleasant
MT. PLEASANT, May 3. – Funeral services for Mrs. Stewart W. Seely were held Sunday afternoon in the South ward chapel, with Bishop A.L. Petersen presiding.
Special music was furnished by the ward choir, with Miss Elida Staker as soloist.
The speakers were Christian Johansen, Joseph Johansen, Jr., and Bishop Peterson.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Tuesday May 4, 1926, page 12