Albert Henry Seely
The death of Albert H. Seely occurred at his late home near West Auburn, March 27, 1917. He was born at South Auburn, Susquehanna county June 3, 1834. He was married to Lucy A. Wilson, April 29, 1860. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Ella Place of Ithaca, N.Y., and Mrs. Geo. Shaw of Silvara, Pa. When a young man he was converted at Retta, and joined the M.E. church at that place, and later with his wife transferred to the West Auburn M.E. church.
Of him may be said he was a loving husband, and kind father, and loved and respected by all who knew him. Although a great sufferer for the past two years, he bore his sufferings patiently and was ready and willing to go when called. The funeral was held at his late home near West, Thursday, March 29, at 2 p.m., Rev. L.W. Karschner, officiating. Interment at Quimby cemetery, Silvara, Pa.
Published in an unknown paper, date unknown. Donated to the Seeley Genealogical Society by Bette Lou Nienstedt.
[Son of SGS #2436 - Albert Henry; Luther Reed (#2436); Alden Henry (#890); John; Ephraim; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]
Handwritten notation 1921 – Card of Thanks
The family of Mrs. A.H. Seeley wish to thank their friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in the funeral and burial of our dear mother. Mrs. Emma Shaw, Mrs. Hattie Place, and families.
Published in an unknown paper, date unknown. Donated to the Seeley Genealogical Society by Bette Lou Nienstedt.