Mr. Allen Seely died last Tuesday morning at the home of his son, Jud D. Seely, at Osceola. He was born in Osceola and spent his entire life there. The old Seely farm, where he was born, comprised what is now the business portion of the town. He was a man of the strictest integrity and had a kindly disposition. Mr. Seely is survived by three children: Mark Seely, of Nelson; Mrs. Ada Crandall and Jud D. Seely, of Osceola. Mrs. Seely died several years ago. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock. Mr. Seely’s age was 82 years.
Published in the Wellsboro Agitator, Wednesday, February 17, 1909 front page
[SGS # 3733 - Allen(#3733); Nathaniel (#1701); Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Ebenezer-, Jonas; Obadiah]