SEELY – Ann Pugh was born in Towyn, Merionethshire, North Wales, March 26, 1833, and died at her home in Syracuse, N.Y., March 5, 1896, after a month’s illness. When about fourteen years of age she came to Syracuse. In 1850 (ed. or 1859) she was married to Obadiah Seely, who with one son and two daughters mourn their great loss. Mrs. Seely was converted in 1872 and joined the Centenary Methodist Episcopal church of this city. An incident connected with her conversion shows the sincerity and thoughtfulness of nature. She remarked to a friend that she would like to have her children baptized in a Methodist church, but that she supposed the minister would not like to do such a thing because she was not a church member. The friend said to her, “Why not become a church member?” At once she saw the importance and reasonableness of such a step and very soon gave her heart to God and joined the church of which she remained a faithful and beloved member till her death, and into which she saw her entire family gathered. She never had any doubts that the blood of Christ atoned for her and washed away her sins. Her conversion was clear and satisfactory to her own consciousness and was manifest in her life and character. Some ten years ago she suffered a severe sickness from the effects of which she never fully recovered. Since that time she had been deprived of many of the privileges of church and social intercourse of which she was very fond, and which she prized highly. Yet through it all she maintained a remarkable degree of cheerfulness. Her faith in God was strong and abiding. She walked with Christ and held sweet fellowship with him. She knew the way to the throne of grace and knew well that God hears and answers prayer. Seldom did the pastor visit her home and go away without being asked to pray with her and the family. Her life was unobtrusive and quiet, but like the sunshine its gentle pervasive influence was felt on the hearts of all those with whom she came in contact. She was a true wife, a loving mother, a faithful Christian. From weakness and weariness of the flesh she has gone to the land of rest and everlasting joy.
Published in the Northern Christian Advocate, April 15, 1896
[Wife of the son of SGS #3081 – Obadiah; St. Paul (#3081); Obadiah (#1327); John; John S; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]