Auto Victim’s Funeral Set
Funeral services for Barbara Jean Seely, 8 year-old daughter of E.J. and Leah Snell Seely, 1340 Westminster avenue, will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in the chapel at 571 First South street.
The child died in a Salt Lake hospital Thursday at 12:40 a.m., the victim of an auto-pedestrian accident in which she received a basal skull fracture.
She dashed in front of an automobile driven by Mrs. O.L. Meyer, 36, of 1441 Westminster avenue, Monday evening while playing with friends, police reported.
She was born in Butte, Mont., December 2, 1934, and came to Salt Lake City with her parents four years ago. She attended the Garfield school and would have entered the third grade this month.
Survivors include her parents; two brothers, Jack and Ralph Seely of Salt Lake City; three grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Everett Seely of Salt Lake City and Mrs. R.P. Snell of Crowley, Wyo.
Burial will take place in Mt. Olivet cemetery.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday September 3, 1943 page 17
[Great-great-granddaughter of SGS # 4002 – Barbara Jean; Everett Jenkins; Jonas Everett; Thomas; Jonas (# 4002); Jonas (# 1789); Jonas; Eliphalet; Eliphalet; Jonas; Obadiah]