Special to The Tribune – MT. PLEASANT – Mrs. Cecilia Rebecca Winters Seely, wife of Joseph N. Seely, died at the family home Thursday morning, after a year’s illness. Mrs. Seely suffered a paralytic stroke last January.
She was born July 7, 18_4, in Pleasant Grove. Her parents, Dr. Hyrum and Elizabeth Winters, were early Utah pioneers. She came to Mt. Pleasant as a child with her parents. She was one of the first teachers at Wasatch academy, established in 1875, and also taught sever years in the public schools of Mt. Pleasant.
She was married to Joseph N. Seely in Fairview, June 9, 1879, by Bishop Amasa Tucker, and to this union were born six children. Mrs. Seely had been a zealous church worker and was also prominent in public affairs.
She is survived by her husband, three sons and a daughter – Hyrum Seely of Hayden, M.D. Seely of Long Beach, Cal.; Dean Seely of Duchesne, and Mrs. Effie Seely Collett of Roosevelt. Seventeen grandchildren, and five brothers, Dr. W.P. Winters of Price, M.A. Winters and D.L. Winters of Mt. Pleasant, C.A. Winters and Cyrus Winters of Castle Dale, also survive her.
Funeral services will be held at 1 o’clock Saturday afternoon in the North ward chapel, with Bishop Henry P. Olson in charge.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, December 7, 1928, page 29