Clayton Seely, 29 years old, head fireman at the Erie avenue station of the Lycoming Electric company of Williamsport, was fatally hurt at the plant shortly after 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon. The News says the head blew out of super-heater, through which steam is passed for condensation. Seely was in front of the heater and caught the full force of the blow, being struck on the head.
A hospital physician was called, but Seely was beyond human aid.
The steam from all the boilers runs through the super-heater, and when the head blew out the steam escaped, thus closing down the plant and stalling street cars until repairs were made.
Seely died at about 3 p.m. Coroner Gilmore was summoned.
Published in the Lock Haven Express, (Lock Haven, PA) March 22, 1905 page 4