Emporians’ Daughter Dies
News has been received of the death Saturday of Mrs. Marlin Seely of Newton, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wilson, 908 Chestnut St., and a sister of Robert Wilson, 811 Waverly Way. Mrs. Seely, a Southwestern Bell Telephone Company employe, died of cancer in a Newton hospital.
Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the United Nethodist Church in Admire. They will be conducted by the Rev. Willis Bussart of Admire and the Rev. Jerry Griffen of Newton. Burial will be in the Admire Cemetery. The Austin Funeral Home is Eskridge is in chage of arrangements.
Mrs. Seely, the former Darlene Wilson, was born May 5th, 1937, in Admire, and she was married on Dec. 27th, 1956, in Emporia. She is survived by her husband, and one son, Michael Shane, of the home: her parents: three brothers, Delbert Wilson, of Clayton, Del., and Robert and Russell Wilson, Emporia, and her materal grandfather, John Tufts, Topeka.
Published in The Emporia Gazette, (Emporia, Kansas) Monday, September 10, 1973, page 6

Card of Thanks
The families of Darlene Seely wish to thank everyone who sent cards, letters, flowers and food during the illness and death of our loved one. Also to the Admire Church for serving the wonderful dinner the day of the funeral.
Marlin & Michael Seely Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Seely Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wilson
Published in The Emporia Gazette, September 21, 1973 page 16