Indian Statesman Died Suddenly
Dave Seely, Chickasaw Senator and Eloquent Speaker Dead from Apoplexy
Dave Seeley, one of the best known full blood Indians in Oklahoma, lies dead at the undertaking parlors of T. C. Bridgeman in this city. Seeley was a member of the Chickasaw senate for a score of years, he has been very prominent among his tribesmen and could have been governor of the nation had he not given away to some of his friends. He was known as an orator and when Secretary James R. Garfield was in the country on an inspection trip, Dave Seeley made a most eloquent address to the secretary in the interest of the removal of restrictions from the sale of Indian lands.
Seeley was about 45 years of age, his home is at Kingston, where the remains will be taken for burial.
His death occurred under circumstances which led Judge Mason to hold an autopsy. This morning at about 3:00 while the senator was sitting in an upstairs room on Main street, he suddenly dropped over and died without uttering a word. Judge Mason was called at once and Drs. Bogie and Hardy were also called. Later an autopsy was held and Dr. Henry assisted the other two physicians. The doctors report that a quart of blood was found on the brain of the dead man and that he died from apoplexy.
Seeley had somewhat hurt his powers recently it said by drinking too heavily and strong drink most probably super induced the trouble that resulted fatally to him.
Published in the Daily Ardmoreite, (Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma) July 6, 1910