Child Killed By Fireworks
David Woodroe Seely, 4-year old son of Pvt. and Mrs. J.E. Seely, was dead today as the result of a freakish fireworks explosion.
The boy, who would have been five years old on Jan 2, died at 8 p.m. in a local hospital, five hours after his left hand and face had been affected by the unaccountable explosion of a jumbo firecracker. The hand was amputated in an effort to save the youngster’s life.
Members of the family said he was playing in the back yard of the C.F. Wade home, on the old Stanton highway just west of town. He was building a doll house for a playmate, Billie Joe Walker, 3, when the blast occurred. Members of the family could not account for the mishap except that sparks from the hammering ignited the jumbo crackers, which he had placed nearby. The little girl escaped with superficial injuries.
Services have been set for 2 p.m. Friday at the Eberley-Curry chapel with H.L. Newman, Church of Christ, minister, in charge.
Survivors include the parents. Pvt. Seely, who has been in Korea for the past three months, with an infantry unit, and Mrs. Seely; the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pim Seely, Loop Texas, and Mrs. and Mrs. C.F. Wade, Big Spring; two uncles and eight aunts.
Pallbearers will be J.L. Joiner, Mr. Hogue, John Davis and Joe Echols.
Published in the Big Spring Weekly Herald, December 28, 1945 front page