Olean loses one of its best known business men – Had been long ill
Olean lost of its best known business men and one of its most sterling citizens in the death today after an illness of some duration of Dexter W. Seely, of the firm of Smith & Seely, who passed away at his home on North Union street about ten thirty o’clock this morning. He had been in ill health for a long time. Mr. Seely was recognized as one of the ablest business men in this section and as one who stood always on the side of the right on questions affecting the public good.
Dexter Walker Seely was born January 12, 1860 at Linden, Genesee county, and came to Olean in 1878. He entered the employ of O.T. Higgins & Son, which firm was afterwards succeeded by the firm of F.W. Higgins & Co. in which Mr. Seely was a partner. Following the death of Governor Higgins, the late Charles W. Smith and Mr. Seely acquired the entire business which has since been conducted under the name of Smith & Seely.
Mr. Seely was at one time a member of the Board of Supervisors.
Mr. Seely is survived by his wife, Mrs. Helen M. Seely, one son, James Floyd Seely of this city and two daughters, Mrs. Albert M. LeMessurier of Syracuse, N.Y., and Miss Helen Frances Seely who is taking a course in the Massachusetts General Hospital and by one sister, Mrs. J.S. Hunt of Rochester, N.Y. He also leaves a half-brother, Norman C. Fisk of Belfast.
Mr. Seely was a member of Olean Lodge, No. 252, F. and A.M., Olean Chapter, No. 150, R.A.M., St. John’s Commandery, No. 24, K.T. and Ismalia Temple of the Order of the Mystic Shrine.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Published in the Olean Times (Olean, NY), October 8, 1919, page 7

The funeral of the late Dexter W. Seely will be held tomorrow afternoon at the First Presbyterian church at 2:30 o’clock. The funeral will be a Knight Templar one, conducted by St. John’s Commandery No. 24, K.T. The interment will be in Mount View Cemetery with a service by the Commandery at the grave.
St. John’s Commandery will meet the remains on Union street at Sullivan street, as the funeral cortege moves south from the Seely home on North Union street. The members of Olean Lodge, F. and A. M. will act as escort to the Knights Templar and the procession will proceed to the Presbyterian church.
Published in the Olean Times, October 9, 1919, page 8

And Was in Charge of St. John’s Commandary Escorted by F.and A.M.
The funeral of Dexter W. Seely of 947 North Union street, was held from the First Presbyterian church, this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. The services were in charge of the Rev. E.M. Smead assisted by St. John’s Commandery and F. and A.M. Burial was made in Mount View cemetery.
The following assisted as pall bearers: Dr. C.A. Greenleaf, W.Z. Georgia, L.A. Brooks, L.R. Andrews, W.H. McNoldy and Charles Burleigh.
The funeral was largely attended, the following being here from out of town to attend: Mr. and Mrs. I.S. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. George Benedict of Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisk and Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Keller of Wellsville; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Olive of Austin; Mr. and Mrs. William Burt of Belfast; Mr. and Mrs. William Warren and Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Olive of Cuba; J.M. Johnson of Lansing, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Franklinville.
Published in the Olean Evening Herald (Olean, NY), October 10, 1919, page 4
[Son of Silas S. SGS # 3042 – Dexter Walker; Silas S. (#3042); Jonas (#1320); John; John S; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]