MONTEZUMA, Ind., Aug. 17. – (Special.) – Services for Edgar Seely, 78 years old, of R.R. 1, who died at 7 o’clock Tuesday evening at his residence following a 10-day illness, will be at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon at the Brown Funeral Home. Burial will be in Oakland Cemetery. Surviving are the widow, Anna; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Hollingsworth of Newport; two sons, Fred of Seneca, Ill., and Homer, at home, and a sister, Mrs. Nellie Manwaring of Crete, Ill.
Published in The Terre Haute Star, August 18, 1960 page 2

MONTEZUMA, Ind., Aug. 18 – (Special.) – Services for Edgar Seely, 78 years old, R.R. 1, who died Tuesday, will be at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon at the Brown Funeral Home. The Rev. Glenn Clark will officiate and burial will be in Oakland Cemetery.
Published in the Terre Haute Star, August 19, 1960 page 2