Prayer Service Held Here This Afternoon For Mrs. Edith Seely
Prayer service was conducted this afternoon at 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Reynolds, 20 Park st., for her mother, Mrs. Edith L. Seely of East Hartford, Conn., who died suddenly Sunday morning. The Rev. John R. Campbell, pastor of the Tupper Lake Presbyterian Church, officiated.
Mrs. Seely was stricken by coronary thrombosis while attending services at Killingworth Emmanuel Church, historic old Episcopal church near Middletown, Conn., Sunday morning. Funeral services were held at St. John’s Episcopal Church in East Hartford Wednesday.
A frequent visitor in Tupper Lake, Mrs. Seely had many friends here. Interment will be in Lakeview cemetery here.
Published in the Tupper Lake Free Press and Tupper Lake Herald on Thursday, November 8, 1945