Mrs. Orla Seely Dies at Cherokee
Mrs. Orla Seely, 60, mother of Mr. Max Seely of Spirit Lake, died Nov. 10 in the Sioux Valley hospital at Cherokee. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13, in the First Christian church at Cherokee, with interment in the Oak Hill cemetery there.
Mrs. Seely, who had been admitted to the hospital two days before her death, had been ill for a number of years.
She and her husband have recently spent their summers here in their cottage on East lake at Francis Sites. They have spent their winters in Cherokee with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Olson.
Survivors in addition to her husband , son and daughter are another daughter, Mrs. Boyd Kolb of Cleghorn, and two sisters, Mrs. Frank Mullen and Mrs. Truman Sanders, both of Delphi, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Seely attended the funeral Saturday. Others attending from Spirit Lake were Oluf Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roggenburg and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Pillsbury.
Published in the Spirit Lake Beacon, November 18, 1954 page 5
[Wife of grandson of SGS #3342 - Orla; Granville; Stephen (#3342); Jacob (#1494); John Nichols; Samuel; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]