Three Deaths In Two Homes In 42 Hours
Two Were Expected but Mrs. Elmer Seely, 36, Passed Away Suddenly Saturday
Died on Way to Doctor
Death visited two Bradleytown homes, three times within 42 hours on the week-end, removing a young wife and mother, her father and her father-in-law in the order named.
Shortly after midnight on Saturday morning, Mrs. Elmer Seely told her husband that she was experiencing distressing pains near her heart. As the pains steadily grew in intensity, they decided to drive at once to the nearest doctor.
Passing the home of Mr. Seely’s parents, she complained of chills and her husband stopped to secure extra wraps. When he returned to the car with the extra clothing, she had lost consciousness. He carried her into the house where it was shortly determined that she had passed away, death coming at 1:30 a.m.
Last Tuesday, Mrs. Seely’s aged father, Z.C. Luce, who resided with them, was stricken ill suddenly and collapsed. Mrs. Seely carried him to a bed and soon told of having severe pains in her body. She felt better the next day and recovered sufficiently to nurse her father and pursue her routine household tasked.
Mr. Luce failed from the first of his illness and he followed his daughter in death, Sunday morning at 7 o’clock.
When the younger Mr. Seely stopped at the home of his parents enroute to the doctor’s, members of the family were then keeping vigil over his father, Charles Seely, who had been seriously ill for some time and whose end was expected momentarily. Mr. Seely submitted to an operation for cancer of the tongue on June 1, 1936, and although he returned to work for a few weeks, another cancer developed and it brought about his death last evening at 6:45 o’clock.
Mrs. Flossie Luce Seely had passed her 36th birthday. She was a loving and dutiful wife and mother and her passing brings grief to a large circle of friends and a sad loss to her husband and children. The four children, Violet, Alice, Thomas and Faye, range from 15 to 4 years of age. Funeral services in her memory will be conducted from the Bradleytown church today at 2:30 p.m. with interment in the Grove Hill cemetery in Oil City.
Published in the Titusville Herald, September 7, 1936 page 2

Mrs. Elmer G. Seely
Services in memory of Mrs. Elmer G. Seely were conducted from the Bradleytown M.E. church at 2:30 yesterday, with a large attendance of relatives, neighbors and friends. Rev. John L. Murray, pastor, officiated, and there were many floral tributes. Mrs. A.J. Morse and Mrs. Cedel Boutwell sang: “The Eastern Gate,” “The Old Rugged Cross” and “Good Night Here, Good Morning Up There.” Mrs. J.L. Murray was accompanist. The interment was made in Grove Hill cemetery in Oil City, with the following as pall-bearers: Walter Seely, Richard and Thomas Benton, Clifford and Lewis Sprague and Raymond Wilson.
Published in the Titusville Herald, September 8, 1936 page 5
[Lineage: Wife of Elmer G.; Charles Albert; William Arthur; Alva; Samuel; Unknown]