Mrs. Frances Iris Seely, 44, wife of Eddie Seely of Bremerton, Wash., died early Monday morning at the Oregon City hospital after a two-week illness. Funeral services will be held today at 2 o’clock from the Oregon City Funeral home chapel, Rev. Frank L. Lehman officiating, with cremation to follow at Lincoln Memorial park.
Mrs. Seely and her husband were visiting with her mother, Mrs. Springston of Wilsonville, on their way home from Chico, Cal., when she was taken ill. She as a native of Webster county, West Virginia, born July 30, 1889. Besides her widower and her mother, she leaves a brother, Homer Springston of Long Beach, Cal., and three sisters, Mrs. Virgie Lowdy of Matte, Wash.; Mrs. Evangeline Clark of Seattle, and Mrs. Georgia Lusier of New Westminster, B.C.
Published in the Morning Enterprise (Oregon City, Oregon) Wednesday, July 5, 1933