The Erie railroad lost an old and faithful employe and Hornell a good citizen when Frank R. Seely passed away. Mr. Seely was a trainman in the passenger service, and had been in the employ of the Erie since he was a boy of 14, when he went to work on trains 32 and 39 "greasing" and flagging for his uncle, "Mart" Marean, and later with "Gurd" Van Tuyl, who ran trains 4 and 6 between Owego and Buffalo, and later when this run was changed he ran with Conductor G. M. Writer on trains 1 and 2 between Binghamton and Buffalo, serving as flagman. He was a member of the crew of trains 1 and 2 nearly thirty-five years, and when the run was changed to Jersey City and Buffalo he removed to the latter city. When these trains were abandoned he took up his abode at Hornell and became one of the crew that ran trains 48 and 9. He remained on these runs until the time of his death.
He was enthusiastic over fire matters, and at different times held membership in engine company No. 2, Owego, and later Susquehanna Hose company No. 1.
The Erie men along the line greatly miss this kind soul, as he was a prime favorite among them. He is also missed by the patrons who rode on his trains, for he was one of the employes who best defined Erie courtesy, and never failed to look after the safety and comfort of passengers.
He leaves his widow, who was before her marriage Miss Georgia Hemstrought.
Published in the January, 1920 Issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
For another obit see:HERE!