Newport, Ind. (Special) – Fred Seely, 61, formerly of Newport died Thursday at the Ryburn Memorial Hospital in Ottawa, Ill. He had been employed by DuPont for 39 years. He is survived by the wife, Esther; two daughters, Mrs. Gilbert Crenshaw of Seneca; Mrs. Robert Pennington of Yorkville, Ill.; the mother, Mrs. Anna Seely; a brother, Homer Seely of Montezuma: a sister, Mrs. Ruth Hollingsworth, Hillsdale; two grandchildren and two nephews. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Pfiffer Funeral Home in Seneca. Graveside rites will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Thomas Cemetery, Newport.
Published in the Terre Haute Tribune, Saturday, December 14, 1968 page 2