SEELY – George Clarence Seely, age 65, of Rt. 5, Box 464A, died March 26. Member of Blue Bonnet Lodge No. 1219, A.F.&A.M.; I.O.O.F., Lodge No. 11, Wimodausis Chapter No. 141, O.E.S. Survivors: sons, G.C. Seely, Jr., Lancaster, Calif., Donald Seely, San Antonio; daughter, Mrs. Thelma Haltom, San Antonio; sister, Mrs. H.C. Koepke, Borene, Tex.; granddaughters, Pauline and Patricia Haltom, San Antonio. Funeral services 2:00 p.m. Monday, Monday, March 29, Akers Funeral Home, Dr. F.A. Bush officiating. Interment in I.O.O.F. Cemetery under the auspices of I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 11. Arrangements Roy Akers.
Published in the San Antonio Express, Sunday March 28, 1948, page 4C