MOUNT PLEASANT – Dec. 31 – The entire community is today grieving over the death of two cousins, Usher Morgan Winters and Grant Seely, both of whom died from pneumonia following a week’s illness from Spanish influenza.
Usher Morgan Winters, aged 25, was the only child of Morgan and Lydia Tebbo Winters. He was born in Mount Pleasant, where he received his education, being graduated from the Wasatch academy in 1913 and from the University of Utah in 1914. He taught school for a year or two, but lately had been an employee of the J.C. Penney company. He was married four years ago to Miss Vern Seely, the youngest daughter of former State Senator and Mrs. John H. Seely, and she, with a little son and daughter, and his parents, survive him. His widow and his mother are at present very ill with the same malady.
Grant Seely, 21 years old, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Seely, formerly of Chester, Idaho, and the family had recently come here to live, their childhood home. He is survived by a young widow, his parents, one sister and three brothers.
The two young men were cousins and were both nephews of City Physician Dr. W.P. Winters, who had exerted heroic efforts and all medical skill in order to stop the ravages of the dread disease.
Published in The Ogden Standard, Wednesday January 1, 1919, page 10