Mrs. D.W. Seely Passes Away in Syracuse Today
Mrs. Helen M. Seely, widow of Dexter W. Seely, passed away this morning at eight-fifteen o’clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.M. LeMessurier of Syracuse.
Mrs. Seely was born in Cuba, N.Y., September 25, 1862. She was united in marriage to Mr. Seeley, December 4, 1883, and made Olean her home until 1929, when she moved to Syracuse to reside with her daughter, Mrs. Le Messurier.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. LeMessurier, Syracuse; Mrs. Fenton B. Weaver, Bolivar; one son, J. Floyd Seely, Cuba; eight grandchildren; two brothers, J. Fenton Olive, Cuba; Chester Olive, Panama Canal Zone, and one sister, Mrs. Margaret Peterson, Cuba.
Until the time of her death, Mrs. Seely was the oldest living past matron of Electra Chapter, No. 81, Order of Eastern Star, being matron in 1897. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, this city.
The Seely family was well known in Olean, where Mr. Seely for many years was associated with Charles W. Smith in the grocery firm of Smith & Seely.
The body will be brought to Kelly & Curry’s Funeral Parlors, Monday. Funeral services will be held at First Presbyterian Church, Tuesday afternoon, the time to be announced later.
Published in The Times-Herald, Saturday, January 7, 1933, page 2

Funeral Of Mrs. Helen M. Seeley To Be Held on Tuesday
The funeral of Mrs. Helen M. Seely will be held from First Presbyterian Church Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock. The Rev. Louis F. Ruf of Cleveland, O., will officiate. Burial will be in Mount View Cemetery.
The funeral party will arrive in Olean this evening at six o’clock and the body will be removed to Kelly & Curry funeral parlors.
Published in The Olean Times-Herald, Monday, January 9, 1933, page 2

Funeral Services For Mrs. Helen M. Seely Held Tuesday
Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at First Presbyterian Church for the late Mrs. Helen M. Seely, who passed away Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.M. LeMessurier of Syracuse. The Rev. Louis F. Ruf of Cleveland O., officiated. Burial was in the family plot in Mount View Cemetery.
For many years, Mrs. Seely was a resident of Olean and very active in church and club circles. When the Olean General Hospital was incorporated in 1898, she was made a member of the board and held that office for a great many years.
The pallbearers were C.A. Keener, E.G. Billings, Otto Geuder, Henry C. Schamel, E.W. Bevier and J. Edgar Pelton.
Those present from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. A.M. LeMessurier, Syracuse; Dr. and Mrs. Fenton B. Weaver, Bolivar; Mr. and Mrs. J. Floyd Seely and family, Cuba; Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Olive, Mrs. George Peterson, Mrs. Dorothy Wright, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Whipple, Mr. and Mrs. C.L. DeKay, Mr. and Mrs. Arley Rowley, Cuba; Mrs. Joseph Fisher, Buffalo; Harvey Hopkins, Arthur F. Smith, Mrs. Grace Burt, Rochester.
Published in The Olean Times-Herald, Wednesday, January 11, 1933, page 3
[Wife of son of Silas S. SGS # 3042 – Dexter Walker; Silas S. (#3042); Jonas (#1320); John; John S; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]