During the past two weeks the angel of death has summoned hence five well known citizens of this neighborhood. The most sudden, and least expected call came Sunday to James Seely, who died of apoplexy, or some such ailment. He was but 37 years old, and leaves a wife and three children, all of the later being boys. His aged mother was living with him, and three sisters survive him as follows: Mrs. Ellis McWhorter, of Portland township, Mrs. F. Riebhoff, of Union township, and Mrs. Isenberger, who lives in Minnesota. The funeral was held yesterday and was conducted by Rev. Holmes. There was a very large crowd in attendance. Mr. Seely was highly respected, and his death is considered a very sad one. He was buried in Riverview.
Published in the Kossuth County Advance, March 3, 1910 front page
[Son of SGS # 3349 – James C.; Andrew L. (# 3349); Jacob (#1494); John Nichols; Samuel; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]