Seely, Cook, Dies in Marine Hospital
John I. Seely, 42, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Seely, 220 W. Gilman st., died Sunday at the U.S. marine hospital, Norfolk, Va.
Prior to his service in the merchant marine, he served in the army in the Hawaiian islands. He joined the armed forces Apr. 20, 1942, and received his medical discharge Sept. 13, 1943. After his discharge he was named chief cook on a merchant marine transport.
Mr. Seely cooked in Madison restaurants for about 20 years, including Lohmaier’s, DiSalvo’s, the Madison club and Pipers.
Besides his parents, Mr. Seely is survived by one daughter, Dorothy; three sisters, Mrs. Theodore Gunkel, Freeport, Ill., Mrs. H.H. Maas, Minneapolis, and Carolyn Seely, Milwaukee; and three brothers, Thuman, Eau Claire, Curtis, Madison and Richard, Portage. The body will be brought to the Fitch Lawrence funeral home.
Published in the Wisconsin State Journal, (Madison, WI), September 16, 1946 page 5
[Great-grandson of SGS # 3664 - John Isaac; Elmer Lewis; Isaac Brewster; Francis Tuttle (#3664); Isaac Brewster (#1660); Bazaleel; Bazaleel; Ebenezer, Jonas; Obadiah]