Black Hawk Vet Taken by Death
MT. PLEASANT – Joseph Nephi Seely, 81, a pioneer resident of this city, died at an early hour Friday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Effie S. Collett, in Roosevelt. Mr. Seely had been in failing heath several years, following a paralytic stroke.
He was born in Pleasant Grove March 5, 1853. His parents, William S. and Elizabeth de Hart Seely, were among the original settlers of Mt. Pleasant in 1859, and his father was the first bishop in this community, serving as such for 30 years.
He received his education in the pioneer schools of this city and in 1874 began farming and stock-raising in Indianola, where he lived until 1891, when he moved his family to Fairview. He was an active church worker, had served four as justice of the peace in Fairview and was a veteran of the Black Hawk Indian wars.
He married Miss Cecelia Winters of Mt. Pleasant in Fairview June 9, 1879. From 1909 to 1917 they lived at Chester, Idaho, returning here to make their home 17 years ago. Mrs. Winters died in 1928.
Surviving are his daughter, Mrs. Effie S. Collett, and three sons, Joseph Hyrum, Maxwell D. and Dean W. Seely, all of Roosevelt; a sister, Mrs. Emmeline S. Barton; a half-sister, Mrs. Jesse Petersen, Mt. Pleasant; 18 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
The body will be brought to Mt. Pleasant Sunday and will be at the Jacobs mortuary until time for the funeral services, which will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday in the North ward L.D.S. chapel.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday November 3, 1934 page12