KINGS MOUNTAIN - Mrs. Junie Standridge Seely
87, of Route 1 died May 18, 1989, at Gaston Memorial Hospital. Funeral is 2 p.m. Sunday in the Colonial Chapel at Carothers Funeral Home. Burial is in Hollywood Cemetery. Visitation will be 7 to 9 tonight.
Mrs. Seely, a native of Cleveland County, was the daughter of the late Dock and Martha Hooper Standridge. She was preceded in death by her husband, Wilbur ''Tom'' Seely. She was a retired textile worker.
Survivors include daughters, Mrs. Leona Brannon of Palmdale, Calif., Mrs. Gladys Wooten; nine grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; eight great-great- grandchildren.
Published in The Charlotte Observer, (NC) - May 20, 1989