Funeral for Justus Seely to Be Held in Castle Dale Chapel
CASTLE DALE – Funeral services will be held in the Castle Dale ward chapel Monday at 2 p.m. for Justus Wellington Seely, 81, prominent pioneer, business and civic worker, who died at his home here Saturday of general debility after an illness of one year.
Mr. Seely was born in Salt Lake, June 25, 1850, a son of Justus W. and Clarissa J. Seely. The family was called to settle San Bernardino, Cal., when he was 1 year old. As a result, Mr. Seely was a member of the Pioneer association of California.
In 1858 the family was called as pioneers to settle Mt. Pleasant, where he was reared. He was married February 26, 1872, to Anna E. Reynolds. After his marriage, Mr. Seely began life for himself as a stock-raiser. He came with his cattle to Castle valley in 1879, and in 1879 he moved his family here, and they have been residents of Castle Dale since.
Mr. Seely owned and operated the first flour mill in Emery county and also the first electric light plant, from which Castle Dale had electric light service many years prior to other towns of the county.
He was elected county commissioner in 1880 and twice reelected. He served four years as chairman of the Republican party and was a delegate to the national Republican convention which nominated President Coolidge. He served many years as a member of the board of education to the Emery stake academy. At different times M. Seely had served as president of the town board, also as a board member. Mr. Seely was a Black Hawk war veteran, serving in Captain Day’s company.
He had always taken an active part in church affairs. He served many years as counselor to Bishop Henning Olsen. He filled a mission to the southern states. His wife was thrown from a carriage and killed on November 18, 1895, and he married Mary Jorgensen of Mt. Pleasant on September 16, 1896.
Mr. Seely is survived by his widow, eight sons and daughters by his first wife: J.W. Jr., Hyrum and Karl Seely, Castle Dale; Joseph Seely, Spring Canyon; Mrs. Paul S. Hansen, Roosevelt; Mrs. L.P. Allen, Rupert, Idaho; Mrs. J.W. King, Grace, Idaho; Mrs. D.D. Lamph, Provo; four children by his second wife, who survive: Mrs. M.P. Greaves, Dora and Frank Seely, Castle Dale; Mrs. Elwin Ralphs, Ferron; 39 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren; four brothers and sisters, Hyrum and Joseph Seely, Mrs. Maranda Oman and Mrs. Eva Christensen, Mt. Pleasant.
Published in The Salt Lake City Tribune, Sunday, October 11, 1931 page A10
[Son of SGS # 2337 – Justus Wellington; Justus Wellington( # 2337); Justus Azel (# 836); Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert]