CASTLE DALE – Justus Wellington (Jesse) Seely, 62, died suddenly at his home here Tuesday at 8 p.m. of a heart attack.
Mr. Seely was born at Mt. Pleasant, January 30, 1873, a son of Justus Wellington Seely the second, and Ann Eliza Reynolds Seely. He came with his parents to Emery county as a small boy, and November 1, 1895 married Clara Eliza Sorenson of Castle Dale, in the Manti L.D.S. temple.
At different intervals he served as city marshal of Castle Dale more than 16 years, and as deputy county sheriff seven years.
Besides his widow, six sons and daughters survive: Justus Earl and Dorman A. Seely and Mrs. Thora Billingsley, Castle Dale; Mrs. Una Guymon, Orangeville; Mrs. Oneta Jameson, Eureka; Mrs. Ora Mayer, Fountain Green; his step-mother, Mrs. Maty J. Seely, Castle Dale, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Ciata Hansen, Roosevelt; Joseph Seely, Greenriver; Mrs. Anna King, Grace, Idaho; Estella Allen, Rupert, Idaho; Mrs. Nora Lumph, Mrs. Jennie Greaves, Hyrum, Carl A. and Frank Seely, Castle Dale; Dora Otterstrom, Blackfoot, Idaho, and Mrs. Etta Ralphs, Oldwson; also 20 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted in the L.D.S. chapel here Thursday at 3 p.m., with burial in Castle Dale City cemetery.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Thursday July 26, 1934 page 18
[Grandson of SGS # 2337 – Justus Wellington ;Justus Wellington; Justus Wellington( # 2337); Justus Azel (# 836); Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert]