Emery Farmer Succumbs To Fall Hurts
Tribune Special – CASTLE DALE – Karl A. Seely, 54, died Tuesday in Price from a skull fracture suffered Monday afternoon when the horse he was riding fell, pinning him underneath.
Mr. Seely was roping wild horses in his corral when his own mount lost its footing and fell with him. He was taken to Price for medical aid, and died there at 8 a.m. Tuesday.
He was born Sept. 12, 1891, a son of Justice Wellington and Anna Eliza Reynolds Seely, and in 1925 married Cora Guyman in the LDS temple.
He is survived by his widow and stepmother, Mrs. Mary Seely; six sons and daughters, Betty Jane, Dorothy, Guy Karl, James W., Montell and Thomas Seely, all of Castle Dale; seven brothers and sisters, Mrs. Clara Hansen, Roosevelt; Mrs. Anna King, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Vora Lampic, Mrs. Stella Allen, and Mr. Frank Seely, all of Ogden; Mrs. Jennie Greaves, Medow, Millard county, and Mrs. Otterstrum, Castle Dale.
Funeral services will be announced by the Whitbeck mortuary, Castle Dale.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Wednesday June 19, 1946 page 10

Karl A. Seely
CASTLE DALE – Funeral services for Karl A. Seely, 54, prominent Emery county sheepman, will be conducted Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the Castle Dale LDS ward chapel by Eugene Johansen, bishop.
Mr. Seely died Tuesday at a Price hospital from multiple skull fractures suffered Monday when the horse he was riding fell upon him.
Interment will be in Castle Dale cemetery under direction of Whitbeck funeral home.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday June 22, 1946 page 9