SEELY. Mother Of Jersey Veterinarian Dies. Mrs. Anthony Seely, ninety-one year old White Hall resident and mother of Dr. H. H. Seely of Jerseyville, died Sunday morning, May 26, at five o’clock at the White Hall Hospital. Surviving the aged woman in addition to Dr. Seely is another son, Col. L. L. Seely of White Hall; one daughter, Mrs. Grace Lincer of Washington, D. C.; a sister Mrs. Effie Williamson of Jacksonville and six grandchildren. Final rites were held Tuesday afternoon, May 28, at two o’clock at the Dawdy funeral home in White Hall. The Rev. Cecil T. Allin of the White Hall Presbyterian Church officiated at the services and interment was in the White Hall cemetery.
Published in the Jersey County Democrat (Jersey County, Illinois) -News, May 31, 1946.
Mrs. Anthony Seely
White Hall, May 26 – Mrs. Anthony Seely, 91, died at 5 a.m. Sunday in White Hall hospital.
Mrs. Seely, the former Lora Hubbard, is survived by two sons, Dr. H. H. Seely of Jerseyville and L.L. Seely of White Hall; one daughter, Mrs. Grace Linder of Washington, D.C.; a sister, Mrs. Effie Williamson, Jacksonville, and six grandchildren.
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Dawdy funeral home here. Rev. Cecil T. Allin of the Presbyterian church will officiate and burial will be in White Hall cemetery.
Published in the Illinois State Journal (Springfield, Illinois), Monday, May 27, 1946 page 13
Rites for Mrs. Seely
JERSEYVILLE – Funeral services for Mrs. Anthony Seely, 91, of White Hall, mother of Dr. H.H. Seely of this city, were conducted Tuesday afternoon at Dawdy funeral home, White Hall. The Rev. Cecil T. Allin of the White Hall Presbyterian Church officiated and burial was in White Hall Cemetery.
Published in the Alton Evening Telegraph (Alton, Illinois) Friday May 31, 1946
[Wife of son of SGS # 2328 – Anthony Stewart; Anthony Stuart (# 2328); Guy (# 835); Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert]