MT. PLEASANT – Funeral services for Mrs. Louie Miner Seely, former resident of this city, who died in Salt Lake City Sunday from a heart ailment, will be conducted Thursday at 1 p.m. in the South LDS ward chapel by Bishop Jewel M. Petersen.
Friends may call at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Leo Seely at First South and Fifth West Thursday from 10 a.m. until time of services.
Mrs. Seely was born in Fairview, October 11, 1889, a daughter of Morman and Emmeline Curtis Miner.
She was married in 1909 to Earl H. Seely, prominent wool grower and livestock man of Mr. Pleasant. Mr. Seely died in 1930.
Mrs. Seely was prominent in L.D.S. church work, especially in the North ward Relief society and M.I.A. She also was a member of the Twentieth Century club. Three years ago she and her family moved to Salt Lake City to make their home.
Surviving are three sons and two daughters, Mrs. W.E. Watson of Pocatello; John G., Earl L., Calvin M., and Marjorie Seely, all of Salt Lake City; three grandchildren: a sister, Mrs. Arthur Snow of Salt Lake City; and five brothers, A.U. and La___ Miner of Fairview; Frank Miner of Price and George D. Miner of Provo Bench.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Wednesday January 21, 1942 , page 20