Lowry Singleton Seely 1916 - 2008
Lowry Singleton Seely died Aug. 20, 2008, at his home in Moab, Utah.
Lowry was born April 16, 1916, in Castle Dale, Utah, a son of Elva Singleton and David Randolf Seely.
Lowry grew up milking cows, doing chores and riding horses. When he was 6 years old, his father moved the family ranching operation from Emery County to the West end of the Bookcliffs at Green River, Utah — some of the toughest country on earth.
He worked with his father during the summer and continued to attend high school in Emery County. This meant a twice-yearly horseback ride from the summer operation to the home place in Castle Dale, a distance of about 60 miles. For fun, he used to sneak out into the desert and rope wild horses but only when his dad wasn’t looking.
During high school, he was active in sports, playing on the football and basketball teams. His senior year, his basketball team played a tournament in Vernal and went on to the state championships in Salt Lake City.
After graduating from Central High School in 1934, Lowry spent summers in Colorado on the ranch. In the fall, he returned to Utah to attend Utah State University in Logan. He majored in animal husbandry with a minor in range management.
At Utah State, he met Gwen Nielson and courted her and finally convinced her to marry him. They were sealed Dec. 21, 1937, in the Logan Temple. They were blessed with three children: Sonya, David and Geddes.
After graduating college in 1938, he followed his passion for livestock and went into the ranching business. He worked the family ranch until he purchased the Wellsweep Ranch in 1958 in the Williams Fork area and quickly became well known for raising outstanding cattle and horses.
The family showed their cattle and horses in national shows around the country, winning several championships.
Along with ranching, he was successful in a hunting and outfitting business with his son, David, which continued well into Lowry’s 80s.
He left a legacy in his commitment to family, dedication to hard work, joy for life and friends.
He never forgot his commitment to his church duties, serving as an LDS Bishop for many years and on the High Council.
Lowry is survived by his wife, Gwen Seely, daughter Sonya Redd, sons David Seely and Geddes Seely, 13 grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren.
Published in the Craig Daily Press (Craig, CO) on August 30, 2008
[Lowry Singleton is great-grandson of SGS #2337 – Lowry Singleton; David Randolph; Orange; Justus Wellington (#2337); Justus Azel; Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert]