Mrs. Margaret E. Seely, 84, Succumbs
At Daughters Home In Waldron
Mrs. Margaret E. Seely, widow of Liberty J. Seely, died at eight o'clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Fox, of Waldron. She was 84 years. A complication of diseases which followed a hip fracture six weeks ago caused her death.
Mrs. Seely was born in Ohio on November 22, 1847, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William Newton. Her marriage to Mr. Seely took place in the year 1863 and four of the five children born to the couple survive. They are: Melvin D. Seely, of Carthage; Mrs. Florence Midkiff, of Liberty township; Mrs. Ethel Fox, of Burney and Mrs. Mary Fox, at whose home death occurred. A sister, Mrs. Nellie Coyle, of this city, nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren survive.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Fox home, with Rev. C. B. Atkinson, pastor of the Waldron Baptist church, officiating.
Burial will be in the Blue Ridge Cemetery in charge of Ezra Carmony.
Published in The Shelbyville Republican, Monday, April 11, 1932 page 6, column 4