Margaret L. Hammond was born in New York state, January 5th, 1838. Shortly afterward, the family moved to Alleghany county, Pennsylvania, where she was married to John Wesley Seely in July of the year 1858.
The next move was to Topeka, Kans., in 1875, where they lived one year, coming to Pawnee county in 1876 and making their home on a farm south of town. They moved to town in 1886, where they resided since.
Mr. Seely’s death occurred about three years ago, and shortly afterward his wife was stricken with a kind of catarrhal trouble and for over two years had never left her chair. Recently her suffering had been so intense, that, together with a general breaking down due to old age, her system was unable to bear up under the strain and she died last Wednesday morning, Oct. 9th.
Funeral services were held at the home Thursday at ten o’clock, Rev. Barton of the Methodist church officiating. The remains were laid to rest by the side of her husband in the Larned cemetery.
Through all her trails Mrs. Seely had been patient and hopeful, with always a cheery word. She leaves four children: Frank Seely of Dodge City, B. H. Seely near Garfield, Charles Seely of Larned and Mary Seely, who cared for her mother during all her long, sad illness.
Published in The Larned Chronoscope, (Pawnee County, Kansas) October 17, 1907