Marly B. Seely
A funeral Mass will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1996, in St. Luke Catholic Church in Woodburn for Marly B. Seely, a 27-year medical technician. He who died Dec. 8 at age 56.
Mr. Seely was born Oct. 1, 1940, in Woodburn. He and graduated from Woodburn High School in 1958. He served six years in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Air Force Reserve. He worked for the Silverton Hospital.
Surviving are his mother, Mary A. Seely of Woodburn; and sister, Delene Kempton of Portland.
Interment will be in Belle Passi Cemetery. in Woodburn. Arrangements are by Cornwell Colonial Chapel in Woodburn.
Published in The Oregonian, (Portland, OR) - December 10, 1996