Merrill L. Seely, 57, of Wellsboro died last Thursday at his home on Woodland avenue. A native of Knoxville, Mr. Seely moved here at the age of six with his parents.
Following the barber trade in his early life, Mr. Seely later became associated with the Dartt Auto Company were he worked up until the time of his illness.
Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Mary Seely, three sons, Harold of Detroit; Howard L. and Curtis M. Seely of Wellsboro; four daughters, Mrs. Louise Kinney, of Milford, Mich., Mrs. Luva Seely Suhr, Misses Mary E. and Doris E. Seely, all of Wellsboro; and sic grandchildren.
Funeral rites were conducted Saturday afternoon at the Evans funeral home with burial in the Mansfield cemetery.
Published in The Wellsboro Gazette, August 4, 1938 page 6

Merrill L. Seely, aged 57 years, of Wellsboro, died early Thursday morning after an illness of seven weeks. Pneumonia was the immediate cause of his death. He was a son of the late Marion E. and Emily A. Seely.
The funeral was held Saturday at the Evans Funeral Home; burial at Mansfield.
He is survived by seven children – Harold, of Detroit; Mrs. Harold Kenney, of Milford, Mich.; Mrs. James Suhr, Howard L., Mary E., Doris E. and Curtis M. Seeley, of Wellsboro.
Mr. Seely was formerly a business partner in Wellsboro of Arthur Spencer, who also died early Thursday morning.
Those from out-of-town who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben F. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Curtis, daughter Lucille, Mrs. Helen Sayre, of Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Curtis, daughter, Betty, of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Wm F. Curtis of Johnson City, Mr. Lew Whittaker, daughter Betty, of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, of Horseheads, Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Kinney, of Milford, Mich, Harold Seely, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutliff, of Addison.
Published in The Wellsboro Agitator, August 3, 1938
[Grandson of SGS # 2528 – Merrill Luke; Marion; Eleazer Scott (#2528); Julius (#920); Ebenezer, Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]