O'DONNELL Services for Price Seely, 93, of O'Donnell, will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Church of Christ in O'Donnell with the Rev. Billy James officiating.
Burial will be in O'Donnell Cemetery under direction of White Funeral Home in O'Donnell.
He died Sunday, Nov. 26, in Big Spring.
He was born July 4, 1907, in Whitesboro. He married Fern Fritz in March 1928 in O'Donnell.
He was a farmer, member of the Church of Christ and longtime resident of O'Donnell.
Survivors include his wife; son, Dan Seely of Lamesa; six grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren
Published in The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, Tuesday, November 28, 2000