ADMIRE – Ralph B. Seely, a resident of the Admire community for 40 years, died Tuesday in a Topeka hospital. He was a retired employee of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company. Funeral services Saturday at 2 P.M. will be held in the Admire United Methodist Church and burial will be in the Admire Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Admire church or to the Ball-McColm Post 5, American Legion, in Emporia, Austin Funeral Home in Eskridge is in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Seely was born Nov. 24, 1896, at Neosho Rapids, and married Zennie Seyler Feb. 8, 1922, at Lyndon. She survives, along with one daughter, Bonnie Peterson, Admire; three sons, Lyle R. Seely, Duarte, Calif., Donald C. Seeley, Newton; and Marlin C. Seely, Newton; and seven grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren.
He was a member of the American Legion post at Emporia, and also Lyon County Barracks 1111, Veterans of World War I, and the Modern Woodmen of America.
Published in The Emporia Gazette, (Emporia, KS) Thursday December 15, 1977 page 2