RONALD MORE SEELY The funeral service of Ronald More Seely of Saint John, NB, husband of late Olive Eliza (Brundage) Seely, was held on Saturday, January 6, 2007, in the chapel of Brenan's Select Community Funeral Home, 111 Paradise Row. Service was conducted by Rev. Eileen Irish of St. Luke's Anglican Church, Portland Parish. Organist was church choir director Ruth McGrath. The reading was given by granddaughter, Helen Elizabeth Seely. The active pallbearers were: Dr. Paul Fanjoy, Mr. Bennett Fanjoy, Mr. Gregory Fanjoy, Mr. Peter Whittaker, Mr. Ian McQueen, Mr. Robert Moir, and Mr. Tyler Ellis. The honorary pallbearers were: Mr. Emery Fanjoy, Mr. Harold Fanjoy, Mr. Glendon Seely, Mr. Stuart Emery, Mr. George MacKay, Dr. David Moir, Mr. Eugene O'Brien, Mr. Gordon Richards, and Mr. Raymond Jones. Floral tributes and memorial donations were received from members of the immediate family and close friends. Included among the donations were: Saint John Vocational School/ Harbour View High School Scholarship Fund, New Brunswick Masonic Charities and Housing, St. Paul's Anglican Church Oak Point, St. Paul's Cemetery, St. Mark's Anglican Church in St. George, Two Rivers United Church Westfield, The Cathedral Fund, Multiple Sclerosis Society, Canadian Red Cross, Hospice, Animal Rescue League, Community Food Basket, Romero House Soup Kitchen, Saint John School Milk Fund, Children's Wish Foundation, Anthony Gormley Memorial Scholarship Fund, Kidney Foundation of Canada, Rocmaura Foundation Inc., United Way of Greater Saint John, Heart and Stroke Foundation of NB. Interment took place in St. Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Oak Point, NB.
Published in the Telegraph Journal on January 8, 2007