Roslyn Davis Seely
Roslyn Davis Seely, 83, of Salt Springs, died Friday, February 4, 2000 at Putnam Community Medical Center following an extended illness. A native pf Cumberland, Maryland, he had resided in Salt Springs for 16 years moving there from Daytona Beach. He had retired as a maintenance supervisor with U.S. Steel in McDonald Ohio where he had worked for 30 years. He was a member of Local #1307 United Steel workers of America and was a U.S. Army Veteran of World War II. He was also a member of the Salt Springs Christian Church.
He was preceded in death by his wife of 53 years, Mary C. Seely.
Interment was Tuesday, February 8, 2000 at the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell.
Memorial services will be held at a later date at the Salt Springs Christian Church in Salt Springs.
Johnson-Overturf Funeral Home of Palatka was in charge of arrangements.
Published in the Daily News;(Palatka, FL) on 2/8/2000