Jersey Shore, Feb. 28 – Samuel A. Seely, 56, died Sunday evening at the Mercy Hospital Oshkosh, Wis., where he had undergone a major operation about two weeks ago. He had been in poor health for about two months.
At the time of his death, he was division engineer of the maintenance of hiway department located here. He was prominent in Masonic circles, was junior warden of Trinity Episcopal Church and was a member of the Sons of the Revolution and the Huguenot Society. He was a member of the board of directors of the Lycoming County Crippled Children’s Society and of the Jersey Shore Y.M.C.A. He was on the directorate of the Lycoming branch of Pennsylvania State College Alumni.
His mother, Mrs. Charles B. Seeley and two sisters survive.
Funeral services will be held Thursday morning at 10:30 o’clock at Trinity Episcopal Church.
Mr. Seeley was well known in this city where he was a frequent visitor in connection with business of the New York Central Railroad. The paving of Susquehanna Avenue was one of the recent activities demanding his presence here.
Published in the Lock Haven Express, February 28, 1933 page 4
(Seely/Seeley as printed)
[Grandson of SGS #3428 - Samuel A.; James Gamble; Samuel S. (#3428); Charles Blanchard (#1519); Samuel Charles; Christopher, Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]