MT. PLEASANT – Stuart R. Seely, 74, a former resident of this city, died at his home in St. Anthony, Idaho, Thursday afternoon, Mr. Seely, for many years prominently identified with the livestock and wool growing interests of this city, moved to St. Anthony in 1910.
He was born in Mt. Pleasant February 16, 1865, a son of Justus W. and Clarissa Jane Seely, who were among the early pioneers of Utah in 1847. He was married in Manti July 10, 1894, to Millie Nielsen, who survives him, with six sons and three daughters, Ferry R., Grace, Guy, Clader, Louis, Florence, Eunice and John Seely of St. Anthony, and Alonzo Seely of Provo; also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Miranda S. Oman and Mrs. Eva R. Christensen of Mt. Pleasant.
Funeral services will be conducted Sunday in St. Anthony.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, June 30, 1939, page 27
[Son of SGS #2337 - Stuart Randolph; Justus Wellington (#2337); Justus Azel (#836); Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert]