Greenville Man Dies at Age of 94
Thaddeus Seely, of the town of Greenville, residing five miles from Slate Hill, died Tuesday night at the age of 94 years, five months and 17 days. For the past 60 years he had resided in the section where he died, following the occupation of a farmer until about 15 years ago, when he retired, owing to age.
Mr. Seeley had been confined to his bed for about a year, by the infirmities incident to old age. He was a man highly respected in the community where he had resided for so long. He is survived by three children, D. Milton Seely, with whom he resided, Mrs. Margaret Elston, of Sussex, N.J. and John G. Seeley, of Thompson Ridge.
The funeral will be held at the late home this afternoon, at 3 o’clock and the interment will be in the Manning cemetery.
Published in the Orange County Times-Press (Middletown, NY), June 20, 1919, page 4

Letters testamentary were issued to George Seeley, of Greenville, and Margaret E. Elston, of Sussex, N.J., on the estate of their father, Thaddeus Seeley, who died at Greenville, June 17. The estate consists of $10,000 real and $10,000 personal, and will be divided among the widow and children.
Published in the Middletown Times-Press (Middletown, NY), July 15, 1919, page 8