Funeral services for Mrs. Theresa Seely, 80, of Arnolds Park were held Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Friends Church in Arnolds Park with the Rev. Paul Baiotto officiating. Burial, with the Leyson Funeral Home in Milford in charge of arrangements, was in the Okoboji Cemetery.
Mrs. Seely died Friday in the Dickinson County Memorial Hospital.
Pallbearers were Max Seely, Dan Hiscox, Clarence Rasmus, sr., Milton Lundqauist, Arvid Gustafson and Arthur Mathewson.
Mrs. Paul Baiotto accompanied Eldon Ferguson, soloist, as he sang “Will There Be Any Stars in My Crown” and “When They Ring Those Golden Bells”.
Survivors are her husband, Orla, one step-son, Max Seely of Spirit Lake, two step-daughters, Mrs. Roy Olson, Cherokee and Mrs. Leo Boyd of Rolfe, and grandchildren, Mrs. Abe Assid of Sioux Falls, S.D. and Dan Hiscox of Des Moines.
Mrs. Seely, a long time resident was born, Sept. 22, 1885, in Cherokee to John and Willema Nystedt.
Published in the Spirit Lake Beacon, August 25, 1966 page 5
[Wife of grandson of SGS #3342 - Orla; Granville; Stephen (#3342); Jacob (#1494); John Nichols; Samuel; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]