Special to The News
Wortham, Freestone County, Texas, Jan. 13. – W.M. Seely, one of the oldest citizens of Wortham, died at his home Wednesday. He was 72 years old. Mr. Seely had been a resident of this place for over forty years, and was the first Mayor of the town when it was incorporated. He then served as peace officer. Besides his widow, deceased leaves four children, Dr. Marcus Stewart Seely and Mrs. Will Thiele of Dallas, Mrs. J.M. Brooks of Kosse and Roger Seely of this place. His body was buried in the Wortham Cemetery.
Published in The Dallas Morning News, January 14, 1921

(Wortham Journal)
Our friend, W.M. Seely, was born May 30, 1950, and left us January 12, 1921. He was married to Miss Annie Whitaker February 15, 1876. There were eight children born to them, four of whom are living: Mrs. Jas. Brooks, Roger Q. Seely, Dr. M.S. Seely and Mrs. W.F. Thiele.
Mr. Seely was a successful business man. He engaged in the drug business in 1874 under the firm name of Seely & Denton. He later sold out this business and engaged in general merchandise. After several years he disposed of that and again engaged in the drug business, changing locations several times, finally locating in his own building where Roger Q. Seely will still continue the business.
Mr. Seely was quiet, reserved, devoted to his family and their interests were first. The comradeship between he and wife was sweet to witness. She read a great deal to him and the Bible was read daily.
Mr. Seely was brave and true, loyal to his friends. Those who knew him best loved his kind and noble nature. He was respected and trusted by many, especially those who went to him for advice in time of need. His bad health came upon us suddenly. When he gave up active work the time of suffering was short. He spent two weeks in Dallas under the best medical treatment, then two weeks at home under medical supervision. Then the end came. He was surrounded by his family and relatives at the last and passed out without a struggle.
We miss him, but can only say, God’s will be done. Peace to his ashes. – Friends.
This writer, who had known Dr. Seely for twenty-five years, heartily endorses every word of the above. When just a struggling young man embarking in the newspaper business in Wortham years age, we met this good man and learned to love him for his many generous acts of kindness and through all the years since we claimed him as a true friend at all times.
Truly a good man has gone to his last reward and the community is in mourning. – N.P.H.
Published in the Mexia Evening News, (Mexia, Texas) Monday, February 21, 1921 front page

Information came to Mexia Wednesday morning that W.M. Seely, 71 years of age, a business man of Wortham, had died early that morning. Deceased was a druggist in that city and died from the effects of Bright’s disease, having been ill several months. The remains will be buried at Wortham Thursday afternoon. He was an old settler and many Mexia people will regret to learn of his passing.
Published in the Mexia Evening News, January 12, 1921 page 7