E.E. Seelye Got the Revolver from an Aunt to Shoot at Burglars.
Edward Eggleston Seely, 36 years old, a mining engineer, committed suicide early yesterday morning by shooting himself through the heart, in the Castleton Apartments at St. George, S.I.
Mr. Seelye was a Cornell and Columbia graduate and a member of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and the Sphinx Head Society of Cornell. He was employed at a copper works in Bayonne. He was unmarried.
Mr. Seelye had been ill for some time, suffering from nervous trouble, and was under the care of a physician. He arose about 8:30 yesterday morning, went to the room occupied by his aunts, the Misses Eggleston, told them that burglars were in the house, and asked them for a revolver. They did not notice anything strange in his manner at the time. One of the aunts gave him a revolver, with the warning that he be careful and not shoot any one. In about ten minutes they were startled at hearing the sound of a shot. They went to his room and found him dead.
Seelye’s father lives at Lake George, N.Y. The body was shipped there last night.
Published in The New York Times, November 10, 1912
[Grandson of SGS # 2502 – Edward Eggleston; Elwyn; Reuben (# 2502); Reuben (# 915); David; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]