Ernest W. Seelye

E.W. Seelye, Atlanta Bank Cashier, Dies

ATLANTA – Ernest W. Seelye, 53 died early Thursday morning in Mennonite hospital, Bloomington, following a four week illness.

The body was taken to the Quiram Funeral home. The funeral will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Atlanta Methodist church. Burial will be in Manito.

He was born in Manito, Sept. 18, 1891. He attended Illinois State Normal university and later taught school near Manito. In 1912 he moved to San Jose where he taught for two years after which he accepted a position in the bank there. In 1934 he moved to Atlanta where he became cashier of the People’s bank, a position he held at the time of his death.

He is survived by his wife, his father, Joseph, Manito; two sons, Ernest L., Bloomington, and Glenn, Hobbs, N.M.; three brothers, James and Arvel, Manito, and Clarel, New York, N.Y., and one granddaughter.

Mr. Seelye was a member of the Methodist church, the Shrine Knights Templar, Masons, Modern Woodmen of America, Odd Fellows and the Rotary International.

Published in The Pantagraph (Bloomington, Illinois) Friday December 22, 1944