Long Illness Fatal for Long-time Resident of City
Mrs. Florence Seelye, prominent Wichitan and a resident of this city since the turn of the century, died Tuesday night in a local hospital after an illness of several years. She was 70 years old.
She was the wife of Henry G. Seelye, retired business man who is prominent in Masonic and Shrine circles. They came to Wichita in the late nineties and built the home at 119 South Kansas which still is the family residence.
Mrs. Seelye was a charter worker in the United Congregational church and was prominent in its mission work, being one of those who helped start the Mexican Protestant Mission. She also was outstanding in work of the W.C.T.U. She was forced to give up many of her activities when she became an invalid several years ago.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Seelye is survived by a son, Preston, 1212 Forest, and a daughter, Ellice, art director in the Grand Rapids, Mich., schools.
Arrangements will be announced by Gordon-Hammond mortuary. Published in the Wichita Eagle, Wednesday, May 13, 1942, Page 5
[Wife of son of SGS # 2198 - Henry Gold; Joseph Trumbull (# 2198); Benjamin (# 771); Abel; Benjamin; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]